+39 0835 55 30 01
MON - FRI - 09:00 - 18:00
Ferrandina loc. Macchia (MT) - Italy

Ethical code

Impes Service s.p.a. > Ethical code
The introduction of an Ethical Code is a milestone in the process of rising awareness of the social role that our firm holds, and of trasparency towards stackholder, employees, costumers and stakeholders generally speaking.

The high and qualified experience on Design, Realization, Managing and Maintain of industrial electrical and electro-instrumental systems makes Impes Service a leader company on the market; however, today companies are called to undertake a wider responsibility, wich doesn't end with economical effects of the activity. To respect high quality levels, to safeguard the environment and the promotion of economical and social development on the territory in wich Impes Service operates are values constantly pursued, and all activities are planned and executed on this social responsibility awareness.

The observance of the Ethical Code contenents by all those operates for the Company is fundamental for the good operation, reliability and reputation of the Company itself, and indispensable factors for the success of the Company.

The invitation is therefore to comply with the arrangement provided, certain that this will not, in substance, deviate from the virtuous behaviors held up to date.

The President of Impes Service Spa

Francesco Somma


Scarica il nostro Codice Etico >

Scarica la Dichiarazione dei diritti umani >

Scarica la nostra Politica UNI/PDR 125 >

Scarica la nostra politica sul whistleblowing >

Modello 231

Parte Generale
Parte Generale – Allegato 1 – Codice Etico
Parte Generale – Allegato 2 – SISTEMA DISCIPLINARE
Parte Generale – Allegato 3 – DISCIPLINA E COMPITI ODV
Parte Generale – Allegato 4 – Whistleblowing
Parte Generale – Allegato 5 – D.Lgs 231
Parte Generale – Allegato 6 – Catalogo reati richiamati dal Dlgs 231
Parte Generale – Allegato 7 – Linee guida per la costruzione dei MOG
Parte Generale – Allegato 8 – Certificazioni
Parte Speciale A – Reati contro la PA
Parte Speciale B – Reati societari
Parte Speciale C – Reati di terrorismo ed eversione
Parte Speciale D – Reati contro la salute e sicurezza sul lavoro
Parte Speciale E – Reati contro la personalita individuale
Parte Speciale F – Reati di ricettazione e riciclaggio
Parte Speciale G – Delitti informatici e trattamento illecito dei dati
Parte Speciale H – Reati ambientali

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Happy Holidays from Impes Service!
HSE Tour at our site in Brindisi
Visit of President Somma and director Russano to Rotterdam construction site
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